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Rupa is a word we took from Pali. It means form. It refers to the appearance of physical objects. It allures to their tangible nature. And this is what matters to us as Rupa Studio. 

Rupa is the impression that an object can make on the senses. We are shaped by our impressions of the world around us. In Rupa Studio we create captivating impressions of that world.


Rupa is a multidisciplinary team including architects, designers and CG Artists located in Buenos Aires, Argentina with more than ten years of experience and ability to work at a global level. Our main goal is to create a comfortable workplace where every person can do his or her best enabling the development of great and creative architectural images.


Therefore our images are a forthrightly reflection of this spirit by pursuing: “an image must be as realistic and as unique, but first and foremost, it must make emotions and feelings rise up that convey us amusement, sometimes drama and even provocation or calm in order to be able to grab the public’s attention”.


Nikolay Gospodinov

Art Director

Is an Architect, a visual artist and a student of Buddishm and Philosophy.

A complex and interdisciplinary background that also unites theater and photography, make his take on architecture holistic and poetic.

Among the features of his work stand out the compositional criteria, thoroughness to detail, natural lighting and a style that gives each image a unique identity.


Gabriel Impagliazzo

Is an architect with a wide range of interests, going from architecture to visual arts and from buddhism and yoga to violin practice.


This provides him with a special attention and interest for the experiences of all senses applied to architecture and visual productions. With great 3d modelling skills, profound BIM studies, exceptional attention to details, he has found a balance between technical solutions and poetics".

Project Leader

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Pablo Hernan Obrach

As a sale manager, Paul it’s a great employee who with his kindness can understand every need of our clients.


He was born in Bs As Argentina and rapidly learned English in his early days, he is a truly gamer and that was the reason for learning English when he was a child.


He thinks that “the best seller is the one who cares about the customer's needs before selling”.

Business Developer

Project Manager

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Martín Duva

Martin is our Big Boss; as we affectionately call him in the office, he is a natural leader who can guide an entire team simply with his incredible business experience.


With all the knowledge acquired during his commercial career can handle easily any kind of Project or business that leads at his hands. 

He is a truly fan of River Plate (Argentine soccer team).

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